The end of season
After many days of rain, it is finally a beautiful spring day, quite cold this morning with frost on the ground. I decide to say goodbye to winter by going one more time to the nearest cross country skiing area. it is called "le Vattay" and only a 30 minute drive from my home in the nearby Jura. Officially the tracks are closed since April 2, which means they are no longer maintained but are still accessible. When I get there, there are no cars parked at the entrance of the visitor center which is normally crowded with people, it has all the facilities of a ski resort; restaurant, a ski school, equipment rental places, etc. There is absolutely nobody around, it is so weird, like a ghost town! And the snow is still there, more than a meter high, with even a fresh layer of powder, it is so quiet. I suppose that everybody had enough of winter! Not so surprizing. This year they had more than four meters of snow all together and the season has lasted from late November till a few days ago. I put on my skis and choose one of my favorite tracks through the forest before reaching the plateau. The snow is great and the tracks are still very good, a bit icy at times, especially in the shade. The sun soon gets the upper hand and the snow becomes soft and smooth, what a delight, I feelThe kind of blue but happy at the same time saying goodbye to the joys of winter I do my twelve kilometer run in good time listening to Miles Davis on my iPod.....
Well that is kinda weird... seeing that nobody was in the equipment rental area as well as the other places, it might definitely have that "ghost town" feel to it.
Frances, at 3:44 am
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