My Lifebox is Dead?
On the 16th of January 2006, our Wanadoo ADSL connection was disconnected. When it was still down the next day. I decided to go to the France Telecom Agency in Ferney-Voltaire. They told me that the possible cause of the problem is the old age of my ADSL modem, which I got in 2001 as one of the first ADSL connections in our area. They suggested to replace it with their latest very high speed "Internet Max" which comes with a modem/router with the beautiful name of "Lifebox". I went home and connected the box and quickly found out that the connection was still down. Back to the FT agency the next day, long queue again. This time the person who answered me said that there had been other ADSL complaints and that the problem was probably not the modem. In desperation I signed up for a dial-up account and managed after many fruitless attempts to get connected to the Internet again. It also turned out that there was absolutely no link between my ADSL account and the new dial-up account, which they call "Integrales". But at least we could read our email again!
In the mean time, I read the Lifebox manual and noticed that I need a filter on all the phones on the line. However I have a second (fax) line with only one connection which will be perfect for this. It is January 19 when I return to the FT agency. Lo and behold they tell me that the ADSL connection is fixed. I ask them if they could now move my connection to the other line. Certainly the man says, he goes to his terminal and does the necessary typing, it is done he says and go home looking forward to my Internet connection of up to 8 Megabytes. Wow, that is 16x faster than what I had before. Unfortunately my Lifebox does not show any sign of life except for the message "no line detected", back to the FT agency they look into my file and tell that the move from one line to another takes at least 7 working days! My wife and I are off on vacation two days later and we quickly forget Wanadoo. It is early March when we return and I am anxious to try the new connection, to my surprise it is still the same message, fortunately the old slow connection still works on the other line. I go online to Wanadoo to check the status of my account and to my surprise it still reads "move in progress". So I gather my courage and go once more the the FT agency on March 14. They confirm my status and call a service "competent" to handle this problem. They promise that the next morning a technician at the exchange will test the line and will call me. Nothing happens, I try to call the number the agency had called finding the number busy all the time. The next day I finally succeed and get a life person, she said that a technician is looking into the problem right away and that I will be called shortly. Nothing happens!
The next day exactly the same story is told. Today is Saturday March 18. Suddenly the line is dead too.....
Hi Henke, this story sounds like ADSL problems 5 years ago in Denmark I heard a similar story. But tell me what this tragically story ends up with? Best Regards Janus
Anonymous, at 2:13 am
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